City of  New Munich


City of New Munich Ordinance Book 1 - Table of Contents 

City of New Munich Ordinance Book 2 - Table of Contents

Ordinance 1- Regulation of Liquor Sales

Ordinance 2- Regulation of Misdemeanors, Morals, Deportment

Ordinance 3- Regulation of show, public entertainment

Ordinance 4- Village pound and cattle running at large

Ordinance 5- Repealing certain part of ordinances 1,2,3,4

Ordinance 6- Issuing liquor licenses

Ordinance 7- Board of Health

Ordinance 8- Powers of Village Marshall and Policeman

Ordinance 11- Dog licensing

Ordinance 12- St. Cloud Power Authority to erect poles and string wires for power transmission

Ordinance 13- St. Cloud power authority to build and maintain a power plant

Ordinance 14- Water meter installation, maintenance and rates

Ordinance 15- Contract for St. Cloud Public Service Company to furnish electrical energy to New Munich

Ordinance 16- St. Cloud Public Service Company to extend furnishing services to and beyond the village

Ordinance 17- Licensing of non-intoxicating beverages

Ordinance 18- Amendment to Ordinance 17 on the sale of non-intoxicating beverages

Ordinance 21- liquor sale licensing and penalties for violation

Ordinance 22- Amendment to ordinance 21 re liquor licensing

Ordinance 23- Amendment to ordinance 21 and 22 re liquor licensing

Ordinance 24- Amendment to Ordinance 20 re licensing for non-intoxication liquors

Ordinance 25- Amendment to ordinance 23 re liquor licensing and regulation

Ordinance 26-Amendment to ordinance 24 re licensing for non-intoxicating beverages

Ordinance 27- Permission to Northern States Power to build and maintain and distribute power to or through New Munich

Ordinance 28- Establishment of a liquor dispensary

Ordinance 29- Amendment to ordinance 20 re liquor licensing and regulation

Ordinance 30- Licensing and regulating cigarette sales

Ordinance 31- Highway and street usage within New munich and penalties for violations

Ordinance 31 (Cont.)- Highway and street usage

Ordinance 32- Amendment to ordinance 26 re regulating malt liquors

Ordinance 34- Organization of a fire department, prescribing their duties

Ordinance 35- Water mains, connection, work permits

Ordinance 36- permission to Northern States Power to build and maintain and distribute power to or through New Munich

Ordinance 37- Amendment to ordinance 11, sections 2 and 3 re licensing and keeping dogs

Ordinance 38- Control and keeping of dogs, penalties for violation, amedment to ordinance 11 and 37

Ordinance 39- Highway use and incorporation of state highway traffic regulation act

Ordinance 40- Change village election date

Ordinance 41- Extension of corporate limits to include certain unincorporated unplatted acreage

Ordinance 42- Regulation of use of municipal sewage disposal system

Ordinance 43- Fixing date of regular city election, extending mayoral and council terms, staggering of terms of office for council members

Ordinance 44- Unreasonable acceleration and unreasonable braking

Ordinance 45- Licensing and regulating sale and consumption of intoxicating liquor, repealing inconsistent ordinances

Ordinance 46- Charges for users of City Water Pollution Control Facilities

Ordinance 47- Use of public sewers

Ordinance 48- Compensation for mayor and councilmen

Ordinance 49- Building permit requirements and charges

Ordinance 50- Weed, rubbish, snow, and ice removal

Ordinance 51- Establish commission to plan for physical development of New Munich

Ordinance 52- Subdividing land in New Munich

Ordinance 53- Zoning regulations and control of land useage

Ordinance 53A- zoning-replaced by Ordinance 90-6/5/2017

Ordinance 53B- zoning-replaced by Ordinance 90-6/5/2017

Ordinance 54-Amendments Hours for Sale and Consumption of intoxicating liquor

Ordinance 55- Amentment to ordinance 45- number of on sale and off sale licenses

Ordinance 56- Use of municipal water system

Ordinance 57- Amendment to ordinance 5 concerning conditional uses within the business district

Ordinance 58- Amendment to ordinance 45 regulating hours for sale and consumption of intoxicating liquor

Ordinance 59- Granting franchise to Mid North 1 Cablesystems, Inc. to operate and maintain a cable TV system

Ordinance 60- Establishing compensation for mayor and councilpersons

Ordinance 61- Amendment to Ordinance 34, Section V, compensation for fire fighters

Ordinance 62- Amendment to Ordinance 60 establishing compensation for mayor and councilpersons

Ordinance 63- Amendment to Ordinance 53

Ordinance 64- licensing and regulating the sale and consumption of Intoxicating liquor

Ordinance 65- Junk car storage

Ordinance 66- licensing and regulating the keeping of dogs

Ordinance 67- Amending Ordinance 31, regulating use of highway and streets

Ordinance 68- Electric Franchise

Ordinance 69- replacing Ordinance 59, 391 communications

Ordinance 70- Regulating the use of snowmobiles

Ordinance 71- Parking Regulations

Ordinance 72- Amending ordinance 64

Ordinance 73- Amending ordinance 53

Ordinance 74- amending ordinance 71

Ordinance 75- granting a franchise to Melrose Telephone Company

Ordinance 76- Granting a franchise to Albany Telephone Company

Ordinance 77- Adoption of sewer use code

Ordinance 78- Flood Plan Management

Ordinance 79- Amendment to ordinance 45

Ordinance 79A- Amending ordinance 53A Zoning Ordinance

Ordinance 80- Licensing and Regulation of the Sale and Consumption of Non-intoxicating malt liquors

Ordinance 81- Curfew ordinance

Ordinance 82- Amending ordinance 52A

Ordinance 83- Regulation of Conduct of peddlets, solicitors, and transient merchants within the city

Ordinance 84- Establishing fees; emergency protection fire services

Ordinance 85- Regulation of housing, maintenance and occupancy

Ordinance 86 - Amendment to Ordinance 84

Ordinance 86A - Amendment to Ordinance 53A

Ordinance 87 - Amendment to Ordinance 64

Ordinance 88 - Combining the Office of City Clerk and City Treasure

Ordinance 89 - Opting -Out of the Requirements of MN Statutes, Section 462.3593

Ordinance 90 - Zoning Ordinance

Ordinance 91 - Housing, Maintenance

Ordinance 92- Combining the Offices of the City Clerk and City Treasurer

Ordinance 93-Amendment to Ordinance 85-Housing, Maintenance and Occupancy

Ordinance 94- Amendment to Ordinance 2-Relating to Misdemeanors, Public Morals and Deportment